Adit Ahmed

I grew up reading the user manuals to my home computer and aggressively researching the music that I love. Today, I get paid to do one of those things for businesses, and continue to do the other in my free time.

I am an Associate Business Analyst at Billtrust, where I help customers modernize the way they get paid and pay others. My career has focused on helping businesses leverage technology.

I am a writer who has supported businesses, non-profits, and other institutions with my words. I also love to write about the music and pop culture that I’m passionate about.

Here, you can learn more about how I’ve help businesses better leverage technology, read the range of words that I’ve written, and reach out to me to learn more about who I am and what I do.

What I’m Writing

Working at Total Solutions has taught me a lot about how technology and emotional intellegence collaborate with each other. My...
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